The Positive Approach to Unpredictability
How a good attitude helps solve life’s problems.
How a good attitude helps solve life’s problems.
January is the month to start making new habits! Follow these steps to make big changes and turn your life around.
After a frightening encounter with cocaine, he experienced a divine intervention that inspired him to create art.
When the cold and dark of winter feels overwhelming, usher in a little summer with these short prayers.
His mother not only encouraged him to cook for a living but also the angelic sign in front of his Italian restaurant.
How to release a wrongdoing and find true peace.
Trust in God for an amazing New Year.
When it comes to soothing the unrest in ourselves and in our world, here are seven examples from Scripture that you can pray.
She followed her grandma’s advice and woke up to an answered prayer.
It never occurred to me to pray for a better prayer life.
This scripture—and a little silver box—reminded her to speak with love and compassion.
When encountering transforming love, big things can happen.
Take a break from your screen and look out your window to enjoy the beauty of God’s world.
A mysterious illumination had sheltered her dear aunt to safety.
Rest in the hands of the Lord with these uplifting verses of scripture.
A heaven-sent Autumn angel was an answered prayer from above.
In the presence of Jesus’ daily abundance, we sometimes forget how blessed we truly are.
Whether it’s “still and small,” or powerful and assertive, your inner voice sets the tone for how you engage with the world around you.
When facing doubt and uncertainty, make Jesus your trustworthy counselor.
A mysterious set of plates showed a new bride that she was right where she was meant to be.
Wanting more space for their big family, Natasha and Kirk Hance moved from the city life in Fort Worth to a small farm in Weatherford, Texas. Soon after settling in, their farm became a place for all creatures to call home.
Preparing to adopt four children, she was anxious about her family’s changing dynamic, until the miracles started rolling in.
Once this comedian trusted her career to God, opportunities came that were better than she could have dreamed.