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A Spiritual Workout

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace….—GALATIANS 5:22 NASB

Caring for another is beneficial to our health, both physically and spiritually.

Physically, we get more exercise because there is so much work and running to do—but the spiritual side far outweighs this. God has given us nine fruits of the Holy Spirit (three of these—love, joy, and peace—are addressed here) to help us grow stronger in Him. And just as in a physical workout where we exercise different muscles in different ways, so it is with our spiritual workout.

Love is exercised every day because it’s the guiding force behind all we do. Still, on difficult days we may need to exercise it even more than usual. That kind of workout contributes to strength and growth.

Joy, too, is easier to exercise on some days than others. But a joyful outlook changes everything in our days—not only for us, but for all those around us.

And peace is a muscle to be flexed. When circumstances begin to rob us of our joy, it’s time to run—with the Lord’s help—back to His place of peace.

As we exercise these gifts for God’s glory, He’ll give us the strength to overcome any challenge we face.

Thank You, Lord, for Your love, joy, and peace in my life. May I ever work to help them grow stronger.

Adapted from

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