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Celebrate God’s Greatness

“Our Lord, we are thankful…. Because of your wonderful deeds we will sing your praises everywhere on earth.” Sing, people of Zion! Celebrate the greatness of the holy Lord of Israel. God is here to help you.—ISAIAH 12:4– 6 CEV

Intimately acquainted with physical difficulties since birth, a woman named Ruth learned early in life to rely on God for strength. She was normally a quiet, reserved woman, but when the opportunity rose to praise her Savior, she boldly proclaimed His mighty acts in her life. Her life was a celebration of praise to the glory and greatness of her God.

In today’s scripture passage, the people of Israel were facing the most powerful army in the known world. Sennacherib boldly proclaimed what he would do to those who foolishly put their trust in God. But the inhabitants of Jerusalem chose to follow their king and trust wholly in their God to deliver them. And He did! Soon this prophecy proclaimed by Isaiah became fact.

How about you? Are you thankful for life? For your circumstances? For the blessings God bestows on you daily? For the difficulties? Today, let’s celebrate God’s greatness because He “is here to help you.”

Father God, I thank You for saving me, for delivering me from sin’s penalty and power and—one day soon—from sin’s presence. Thank You for Your grace to live each day, to serve You in my humanness. May I sing of Your wonderful deeds to all the world.

Adapted from

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