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Today's daily devotion

Giving Thanks

It is good to proclaim your unfailing love in the morning, your faithfulness in the evening.—PSALM 92:2 NLT

Do you feel like giving thanks today? Do you recognize your many blessings? Your eyes may have opened this morning to situations and circumstances that don’t inspire joy, but in spite of the worry and uncertainty, this day is a treasure. You’re alive; you drew a breath when you awoke. Praise God!

Each day is a special gift to be savored and celebrated. God has created this time for us—and He’s given us too many blessings to count. An attitude of praise and celebration will lift our spirits and help us commune with Him.

So look for the good things this day, the treasures. Sing a song in the shower or hum a tune over the washing machine. Whisper a prayer of gratitude before you turn out the light. Recognize the Lord. Show Him your gratitude.

Despite the mundane, everyday tasks we encounter, there is something special about each day. God has ordained that. He is in control. Praise and rejoice, for this is the day He has made (Psalm 118:24).

Heavenly Father, I thank You for another day of life. Let me celebrate this day and use it according to Your plan.

Adapted from

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