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Making Memories

But Timothy has just now come to us from you and has brought good news about your faith and love. He has told us that you always have pleasant memories of us and that you long to see us, just as we also long to see you.—1 THESSALONIANS 3:6 NIV

Remember when… ?

Reminiscing can take us back to more pleasant times. Peeking into the past often renews our spirit with peace and joy.

What memories are we building today? When we look back on this caregiving phase of our lives, which memories will bring joy to our hearts?

Special moments don’t need to be major events—in fact, the most pleasant memories are often the simplest.

Savor snatches of time spent listening to a new song by a favorite artist, planting flowers in the garden, or working on a family scrapbook. Enjoy a family adventure right in your own kitchen by renting a travel tape and preparing cuisine from that region.

Someday we’ll ask ourselves, “Remember when… ?” God creates memories to bring smiles to our souls. With a little effort we can form pleasant memories even amid the challenges of caregiving. Those reminiscences will bring joy, both to our loved ones and us.

Faithful Lord, help us to remember the pleasant memories of the simple moments. Every day is a gift from You, just waiting to be opened and enjoyed.

Adapted from

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