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Today's daily devotion


As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another . . . .— I PETER 4:10 [ESV]

“Let me know if there is anything I can do to help Aunt Lucille,” my cousin Leona said.

“Just keep popping!” I told her. Leona is a self-described popper. She pops in. Stays five or ten minutes, then leaves. Those short visits always cheered Mom up, especially after she became homebound.

Mom had lots of friends who all told me the same thing. They wanted to help, probably even needed to help her in some way. They just did not exactly know what to do to be of assistance. It was hard for me to accept help because I thought I should be able to take care of my own mother, but the truth was Mom was getting lonely and still needed time with her friends. So I started keeping a list handy.

I asked Maxine to make the cabbage rolls Mom liked so much. I suggested Betty bring a strawberry milkshake to her house. Pat brought fancy cupcakes. To others I suggested: Go over and read to Mom for half an hour. Bake a favorite treat. Watch a movie or TV program with her. Maybe even become a popper.

My precious Lord, please keep me ever mindful that sometimes letting others help is the best help I can be.

Adapted from
Strength & Grace Magazine

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