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Someone Cares: 40 Handwritten Blessings for Lent

She counted her blessings for each person in her life.

Someone Cares: 40 Blessings
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Last year, I wanted to offer time and intentional appreciation during Lent instead of forgoing chocolate or sweets. Something simple enough to continue all 40 days.

I made a list of 40 people who make my life better and hand wrote a note to each of them. My wonderful sister. A friend who mows my yard because I have chronic back pain. My mother. A friend who faithfully prays for me. My veterinarian, who helps me care for my aging German shepherd. The baggers at my favorite grocery store. “You came to mind as I was counting my blessings,” I wrote. “I wanted to write to tell you how much I appreciate you. You really bless my life!”

So many people said they were touched to be remembered out of the blue that Lenten season. But I’m thankful for their kindness all year.


Learn more about Someone Cares greeting cards!

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