But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life. John 4:14 (NLT)
For the gazillionth time that hour I wiped sweat from the back of my neck. One hundred degrees. What a day for the zoo! Even the water buffalo looked dehydrated, though they lounged in shallow, stagnant ponds.
I reached for my water bottle once again, only to be disappointed that it was empty… again. Feeling desperate and utterly worn out, I scanned the map for the nearest snack station. All my present hopes focused on finding a way to quench my thirst and revive my spirit. We certainly know what it’s like to be thirsty without a drink handy.
Living without water eventually results in death. We need it.
It’s easy to understand our need for water, yet sometimes we don’t understand how Jesus, the living water, provides far deeper satisfaction than mere H2O. Not only does Jesus give us soul-saving satisfaction for eternity, but His kind of water creates life that bubbles over here on earth as well. Nothing stagnant about it.
Like a hundred-degree, steaming-hot day, our sinful world continually dehydrates our soul. Yet Jesus offers Himself as wonderful hydration for our spiritual thirst, filling us with peace, joy, hope and faith beyond what we’ve ever experienced. The refreshment of His presence is readily available to those who acknowledge their soul’s thirst, as the woman at the well did.
Have you experienced Jesus’ healing water?
Faith step: Buy yourself a new water bottle. Each time you drink, think of Jesus’ offer to quench your eternal thirst.