At our discussion group, several members were bemoaning the fact that the newspapers and newscasts were filled mostly with crime, war, catastrophe, and violence. I agreed. But then one man spoke up.
“Did it ever occur to you that the emphasis on bad news is really a positive sign about the state of the world? This may not make sense until you consider the fact that the one characteristic that makes an item newsworthy is it’s unusual, that it differs from the general pattern of things.
“The reason why robberies make news,” he continued, “is because most people are honest. Muggings make news because most people are kind. Plane crashes make news because most flights arrive safely. “So all of these negative things are really the exceptions or they wouldn’t attract the media at all.
In fact, if we ever get to the point where most of the news is positive, that will mean goodness has become so unusual it makes news!”
The next time I’m tempted to think the world is hopelessly evil because the headlines are all bad news, I’m going to get down on my knees and thank God for this reminder that most of the world is still predominantly good.