Try this: Choose a short prayer, something from Scripture. “Have mercy on me, Lord” will do (Psalm 6:2), or perhaps “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24).
Say it a few times standing up with your hands open. Then say it a couple of times while seated. Do the same thing on your knees. And finally, if you’re brave, lie face-down on the floor and try it again.
Does prayer posture make a difference? Yes, because our bodies and souls are intimately connected. Ken Collins has an interesting take on the various prayer positions mentioned in Scripture. He notes that if we’re aiming for humility, it helps to assume a humble posture. If we’re offering up praise, an open and heaven-seeking position can help open our hearts.
Sometimes a different prayer stance feels strange and awkward at first. And sometimes that’s because it’s placing us in a better—though unfamiliar—position to relate to God. Try it!