I was supposed to write a blog today, Friday, but this afternoon I told my ever-patient editor Nina no way. I was too busy trying to finish my devotions for Daily Guideposts 2015.
That’s right. Due to printing schedules, we write our pieces well more than a year in advance and mine are usually the last to be turned in, a fact I’m not proud of since I’ve missed my deadline yet again and it is causing me great angst and self-torture, not a good place to be when I am trying to write from a spiritually serene perspective.
Which is absurd. I am up here in the Berkshires. It is fall at its most vibrant, my favorite and most creative season. It is late at night and I’m sitting here in the old flannel robe I refuse to part with or upgrade. The baseball playoffs are on in the background (good luck, all you Dodgers and Cardinals fans, I’m pulling for Detroit). It’s a full moon and the air is as crisp as an apple. I got some good work done today and even got in a hike with Millie.
I love to write (or at least to have written) and if you are a Daily Guideposts fan, you know I get my devotions in, along with some two dozen other writers (more disciplined than me) whom you’ve come to love as family—Marion Bond West, Rick Hamlin, Elizabeth Sherrill, Julia Attaway, to name a few. If I just turn the worry switch off for a while I can be content, content with the day, content with the moment.
Millie is whining softly at the door to be let out. I worry about skunks and coyotes, even the occasional brazen bear. I should throw on some sweats and go with her. I gaze out at the moon-filled stillness and feel that stillness fill me. I open the door, slip on some shoes and a jacket over my robe and try to catch up with my dog.
If you haven’t already, don’t forget to order your Daily Guideposts 2014. I’ve also included a pic of Millie from our hike today. As you can see she’s happy the government is open again. Tea Party? Not really. Treat Party is more like it.