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Create a Scripture Kit

Share God's love! Make this special gift featuring powerful spiritual messages.

Items from a Scripture Love Kit

My friend Louise Alexander was inspired by a story she read in an old issue of Guideposts magazine. The story described something called a Love Kit, a collection of seven items with a Bible verse accompanying each one, a reminder of all the ways God provides for us.

Louise did her own Bible research and came up with more than 50 other items to add to what she calls her Scripture Kit. There’s an eraser “to remind you that every day you can start over with a clean slate. (Jeremiah 31:34)”; a tea bag so you’ll remember to “relax daily and be thankful for your blessings. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)”; a candle and the recommendation to “share your light with others. (Psalms 18:28).”

Other items she includes are:

  • A pencil “to remind you to list your blessings every day. (Ephesians 1:3)”
  • A band-aid “for healing hurt feelings–yours or someone else’s. (Psalm 147:3)”
  • A rainbow sticker “to reassure you that God keeps his promises. (Genesis 9:12-15)”
  • The image of a flower and the promise that “with God’s help you can bloom where you’re planted. (Isaiah 58:11)”
  • A stick of chewing gum “to remind you that if you stick with it you can accomplish anything. (Philippians 4:13)”

She’s been gathering ideas and sharing these kits for nearly 30 years. In that time, Louise has given away over 400 of her kits. She mails most and hand delivers others. Anyone can be a recipient—friends, family, people on the church prayer list, whoever needs an encouraging reminder of all the promises in Scripture.

And as Louise has found, there are many!

Read Louise's account of how her Scripture Love Kits project has grown, and download a list of the verses she uses.

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