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God’s Voice: Where, When and How We Hear It

3054 readers of Mysterious Ways responded to our multiple choice survey, both by mail and online. Majority of respondents were female, 40-70 years old. Numbers are rounded to the nearest percent.

Is God’s voice real? What does it sound like? How do we know it’s not just in our own heads? More than 3,000 respondents took part in our “Have You Heard the Voice?” survey in the October/November 2016 issue of Mysterious Ways, our attempt to find some crowd-sourced answers to these tough questions of faith. Check out our findings and compare these responses to your own! And check out these first-person accounts from readers who heard God’s voice!

Have You Ever Heard God's Voice?

1 of 12 Have you ever heard God's voice?

Yes, definitely: 68%

Not sure, but I think so: 22%

Not sure, probably not: 6%

No, definitely not: 4%

How Would You Describe God's Voice?

2 of 12 How would you describe God's voice?

A thought or idea that I wouldn’t have had on my own: 40%

An audible voice from an unseen source: 30%

A nudge or gut feeling: 18%

Phrases or verses that come out of the blue: 12%

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God's Voice Sounds Like...

3 of 12 What does God's voice sound like?

God’s Voice Sounds…

Quiet: 42%

Soothing: 38%

Commanding: 19%

Loud: 1%

When Do You Hear God's Voice? Time of Day?

4 of 12 When do you hear God's voice?

Time of Day:

Middle of the day: 47%

First thing in the morning: 25%

Late at night: 20%

Before bedtime: 8%

God's Voice: Where, When and How We Hear It

5 of 12 When do you hear God's voice?

How Often:

A few times throughout my life: 69%

Only once: 13%

Several times a year: 13%

Once a day: 5%

Where Do You Hear God's Voice? Location?

6 of 12 Where do you hear God's voice?


Home: 71%

Outside: 21%

Work: 4%

Religious Services: 4%

Where Do You Hear God's Voice? Activity?

7 of 12 Where do you hear God's voice?


Praying: 40%

Relaxing: 32%

Working: 20%

Dreaming: 8%

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What Does God Talk About? Topics?

8 of 12 What does God talk about?


Family: 58%

Health: 12%

Grief: 10%

Career: 8%

Love Life: 7%

Finances: 5%

How Do You React To God's Voice? What I Feel.

9 of 12 How do you react to God's voice?

Peaceful: 58%

Hopeful: 25%

Surprised: 13%

Confused: 2%

Scared: 2%

How Do You React To God's Voice? What I Do.

10 of 12 How do you react to God's voice?

What I Do:

What God says: 63%

Reconsider decisions: 21%

Reach out to others: 10%

Seek confirmation elsewhere: 6%

Who Do You Tell When You Hear God's Voice?

11 of 12 Who do you tell when you hear God's voice?

Family & friends: 46%

No one: 27%

Immediate family: 23%

Spiritual advisor: 3%

Everyone on Facebook: 1%

Why Wouldn't You Say That You Heard God's Voice? Why Be Shy?

12 of 12 Why wouldn't you say that you heard God's voice?

Why Be Shy?

It’s between me and God: 49%

Others wouldn’t understand: 35%

Not sure it was real: 9%

Fear of ridicule: 7%

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