A Friend on the Freeway
Who would stop to help a stranger get back on the road?
Miracles don’t just come from ancient stories and myths–everyday miracles are all around us, if we only have our eyes open to see them.
Who would stop to help a stranger get back on the road?
I’ve never been especially good at memorizing Scripture. But part of a verse came over me in my moment of spazzing. Only it didn’t feel like it was coming from me. It was like God himself was talking to me.
Can the Lord be seen by the way we lead our lives? Are we illuminating His love and drawing people to Him?
Children have an innate capacity for that “oh wow” feeling we get when something extraordinary moves us–all parents have to do is not poison it with their own cynicism and let it develop.
“That’s really how I feel!,” says Julia Heatherly. “I love being me. I don’t let my disability define me. You know, if you take away the ‘dis’ in disability, the only thing left is ‘ability.’”
Here’s the amazing tale of how the sibling of an assassin rescued Abraham Lincoln’s only surviving son.
What are you anticipating–a hopeful prognosis of a recent health test, the arrival of a baby, a wayward child returning home, your child’s graduation? We are all hopeful for something. The Lord is the source of hope–may we depend on Him.
How wonderful to think of a bird building her nest in an Easter wreath, of all places. What a beautiful sign to receive right before the holiday.
I am so thankful that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I am so grateful that I won’t wake up tomorrow and discover that grace is no longer available to me or that prayer only works on Tuesdays.
Have you ever received a sign from God that it was time to let go and move on?
People forget about miracles all the time. God reaches out to save me time and again. In the moment, I’m amazed, thankful and relieved. But hours, weeks, years later…I forget.