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The ‘Mysterious Ways’ in My Quest for a Gym Lock

What are the chances my friend would call with exactly what I needed, right on time?

A gym lock and a mystery.
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto
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Have you ever experienced a “mysterious ways,” only you didn’t know if it was really a “mysterious ways” or just a really old coincidence? That’s what happened to me recently. And, spoiler alert, it involves gym locks.

Last month, I was on the lookout for a lock to use at the gym (I’ve been on a bit of a Zumba kick lately!). I needed a simple lock. Nothing too fancy. No keys or passcode screens. Just something that cost no more than $3 or $4.

I went to a convenience store near work one Tuesday afternoon during lunch to pick one up. The locks were $8. Eight dollars…for a basic gym lock! The bargain hunter in me was not happy. So I did a quick search online. The best option was $6. I really needed a lock and the price wasn’t so, so bad, especially with free shipping included. But, for some reason, I just couldn’t bring myself to buy it. I couldn’t tell if I was being unreasonable.

Read More: An Accidental Miracle

Well, it’s a good thing I listened to my shopper’s intuition. The very next afternoon, on Wednesday, I got a text from my friend Alyssa. She was in Wal-Mart and wanted to know if I needed anything for the little get-together my sisters and I were having on Friday night. I was confused. Why was Alyssa at Wal-Mart in the middle of a workday? We both work in Manhattan, where Wal-Mart stores don’t exist.

“Wal-Mart on a Wednesday afternoon?” I texted. Alyssa wrote back and said she’d had jury duty in New Jersey and had gotten out early. Apparently, when she’d gone through security at the courthouse, she’d been forced to throw away one item in her handbag…her gym lock.

“Walmart sells them for $1.23,” Alyssa said, “so I’m buying a new one.”  

I just about dropped my phone. A gym lock? What were the chances she’d be buying one? And at that price? I wrote Alyssa back right away and asked her to get me a lock too.

“This is so mysterious ways,” I texted, then explained the story about my quest for an inexpensive gym lock.

“Whoa, so meant to be!” Alyssa replied.

What do you think? Was this just a coincidence? Or something more? And, if it is something more, what in the world does it mean?

Share your thoughts and theories below!

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