How a Root Canal Helped Me Think Positive
“I have to do a root canal,” my dentist said. Negative thoughts raced through my head…until I started counting my blessings.
“I have to do a root canal,” my dentist said. Negative thoughts raced through my head…until I started counting my blessings.
There’s no better way of keeping a positive attitude than surrounding yourself with positive people. People like the 12 Guideposts writers I spent this past weekend with in Portland, Oregon.
Some might say positive thinking is an act of faith. That’s true, but it is just as much an act of imagination.
Something my mom passed on to me that reinforces my positive attitude: a love of music. Here are five songs that make me happy because they remind me of Mom.
For me, fire ants inspired only negative thoughts. Until I found out what they can teach us about cooperation and community.
There’s a holiday for everything these days, even lost socks. That might seem ridiculous, but there’s actually a lesson in thinking positive here.
Four days with no internet connection? What would I do? More than I thought, as it turned out.
Doing good feels good, but can receiving a random act of kindness can help you think positive? Here’s how a stranger with an umbrella restored my positive attitude
A 10-year study found that luck isn’t about magic. It’s all about positive thinking. Want to improve your luck? Try these tips.
The news or the weather got you down? Try some mood-lifting music. Here’s a positive playlist of 16 sunny songs.
Are you always in a rush? Constantly being on fast forward isn’t good for productivity or positivity. Here’s how to press pause, slow down…and do more.
Had a long week? Feeling burnt out? Take a wellness day to relax and recharge your positive attitude!