Jen Hatmaker’s Advice for Positive Parenting
The bestselling author and blogger shares some of her secrets for raising your children in a positive and encouraging environment.
The bestselling author and blogger shares some of her secrets for raising your children in a positive and encouraging environment.
The respected news anchor discusses why he considers the positive stories he shares under the Inspiring America banner to be a vitally important part of his job as a journalist.
Chances are, you know someone who is left-handed—lefties make up as much as 10 percent of the population—but you may not have known these 10 inspiring figures were southpaws.
A diminutive man from the Midwest may have been an unlikely candidate for hero status, but World War II war reporter Ernie Pyle earned that appellative, and then some.
A Maine farmer shares his love of the land—and the food that comes from it—with local schoolchildren.
Brandon McMillan, professional dog trainer and Emmy Award-winning host of CBS’s Lucky Dog, shares how he got involved in the training of service dogs for returning veterans.
Acclaimed actor John Corbett discusses his new film, which is based on a true story about an Episcopal priest torn between the directives he’s been given by the church hierarchy and the parishioners he serves.
Owen Maercks, owner of the East Bay Vivarium in Berkeley, California, cares for these unique creatures—and he loves it.
Dottie Pratchard recalls a harrowing close call she experienced while rafting down the South Fork of the American River and the prayer that changed everything for her.
Guideposts Contributing Editor Marion Bond West and her husband, Gene, share how compiling of a pair of lists, each detailing what the other partner did to make the list-maker feel loved, helped to strengthen their marriage.
Rev. Billy Graham preached before a total of nearly 215 million people in more than 185 countries. Browse our collection of photos of highlights from his life, career and ministry.
Travel along with Deborah Kraft as she celebrates graduating from college by traveling from Maine to Oregon on a bicycle.