Make a Prayer Appointment
Since nature often inspires prayer, Guideposts blogger Bob Hostetler suggests several ways you can schedule some prayer appointments around upcoming events in the night sky.
Since nature often inspires prayer, Guideposts blogger Bob Hostetler suggests several ways you can schedule some prayer appointments around upcoming events in the night sky.
Guideposts blogger Bob Hostetler offers 7 easy tips for praying your way to a good night’s sleep.
Guideposts blogger Bob Hostetler offers 7 ways you can add prayer to your morning routine.
Jesus’ instruction to pray specifically for our needs helps us to spell out and spill out what we really want to ask.
Author Bob Hostetler turns to the Bible and finds scripture to pray on specific days throughout the year.
It’s one thing to be grateful when you are hungry, and food is placed before you, but it’s something else entirely to remember to express gratitude when your belly is full and your needs are met.
Find new energy and expression in prayer by borrowing the words of the great hymnwriters and songwriters of the Church.
Pray retrospectively. Each evening, in addition to whatever prayers you say, why not review your day and the prayers you prayed, perhaps without realizing at the time that they were prayers?
12 biblical benedictions you can pray for others on all occasions
The Bible offers many examples of brief blessings you can use on others. Bob Hostetler shares some of his favorites.
Pausing for a moment or two in the course of your day can increase an awareness of God’s presence and a sense of His closeness.
Bob Hostetler suggests using games to help guide your prayer life.