Judy Royal Glenn

The Hidden Cross

God knows what others cannot physically see or know, such as our thoughts, fears, emotional pain and everything there is to know about us. Yet He loves us!

Trusting God

Trusting God

As the tides are rolling in and out of our lives and the waves are crashing in, are we letting it erode our faith? Trust in God, he’s is in control. 

A starfish; photo by Pedro Lastra on Unsplash

My Refuge and My Shield

The starfish has a tough skin and tiny spines which helps protect it from predators. They are protected by their armor. As Christians, we have an armor. Our shield is the Lord who protects us and cares for us.

My Father Is the Gardener

There are things, too, that may not need to be in our lives. These things need to be cropped or pruned to make us more like Jesus. For each person, the pruned objects may be a different.

Diving Deeply

As the anhinga bird searches for food for its sustenance, what are we in search of? Are we diving deeply into God’s word and prayer for Him to sustain us? 

What Are You Anticipating?

What are you anticipating–a hopeful prognosis of a recent health test, the arrival of a baby, a wayward child returning home, your child’s graduation? We are all hopeful for something. The Lord is the source of hope–may we depend on Him.

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