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Daily Devotion: Willing to Be Healed

These inspiring words will encourage you to trust God to help you break free of self-imposed limitations.

A smiling woman stands, arms spread, gazing up at the sky
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Launch out into the deep….—Luke 5:4

As I sat in church at a healing service one morning, I could hear the guest minister saying, “You can be healed if you’re willing. God is willing. Are you?”

I watched as a few people made their way to the front. Among them was Laura.

“I was healed,” I heard Laura say, her face beaming. “God healed me as I sat in my seat, simply believing Him.”

Later I cornered Laura, eager to hear more. She told me she’d suffered for three years with calcium deposits in her elbow. “I’d been willing to live with a limited range of movement,” she said as she now flexed her arm easily. “Now I felt the Lord asking me if I was willing to be healed, and He healed me.”

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As I listened to Laura and saw her bright smile and arm raised up high without pain, there seemed to be a message for me in her miracle: How am I limiting myself? Am I moving within a limited range? Shying away from challenges, restricting myself to certain friendships, avoiding certain people because they’re too old or too young—or just different? 

And the answer came: If the Lord can restore full range of movement to a stiffened elbow, can’t He heal any “limits” in my life!

How is your range? Are there areas in your life that are stifled or restrained? Are you willing to break out of your limits? Bring them to the Lord and let Him give you “full range of movement.”

Lord, I bring this limitation to You today. Free me to trust You to help me move beyond my problem.

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