Have Faith, Rain or Shine
My faith should influence the circumstances of the day rather than be influenced by them.
My faith should influence the circumstances of the day rather than be influenced by them.
I’ve prayed for strength like Debbie’s, to appreciate God even when life is painful.
I was having one of those days, until I shifted my focus to Jesus.
In this excerpt from the 2014 edition of Daily Guideposts, a woman realizes that everyone deserves a warm greeting from a stranger.
An aching back from an overpacked suitcase leads to a lesson on forgiveness.
In this excerpt from Guideposts Daily Planner, Patricia Lorenz shares how the vivid colors of life lift her spirit and bring her closer to God.
Daily Guideposts writer Patty Kirk shares a prayer for your God-given purpose.
Jesus is so big, so powerful, so awesome, that His power can take me at my weakest and make me strong.
A touching moment in nature gives insight to God’s promise that He will never abandon us.
Cultivate a fruitful life! Surrender to Jesus and trust Him with your cares.
Thanks to my daughter, I was reminded to see the good in others, even when I expect the worst.
Try this simple devotional practice to enrich your life and recognize God’s blessings.