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Seeing Beauty During Difficult Times

Ask Jesus to illuminate the beauty possible, even in one of the unpleasant situations in your life.

Cup on window with morning sun; Getty Images
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Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. Psalm 16:5–6 (NIV)

This morning I sat in my comfy chair, wrapped in a soft blanket, and looked out the window. The pond beyond our backyard rippled in the light breeze. A brilliant white egret waded in search of breakfast. Flowers dotted the garden with pink and yellow, and the sky stretched above blue and joyous.

When I read Psalm 16, my heart connected quickly to the words. Jesus, You have indeed set me in a pleasant place, and I’m so grateful.

But as I turned away from the window, I headed to my pillbox and the medications helping me function. My body throbbed and reminded me of its daily challenges. Scribbled notes on my desk demanded my attention. A family member was battling illness, and I was working to sort out needed care. Decisions and phone calls and paperwork loomed. My lot didn’t feel very secure at all—in fact I felt like I was drowning. Not everything in life felt pleasant.

That’s when I took another look at Psalm 16. Jesus has indeed set each of us in places where we might spot delightful blessings—as I did outside the window. But the true place of blessing is anywhere that Jesus is. He is our portion—not our house, our work, or even our dearest friends. Even when our boundary lines include pain and struggle, we can embrace our situation because He is there. The deeper truth in the Psalm is that even in places that don’t seem so pleasant, there is beauty because Jesus is with us.

Faith Step: Ask Jesus to illuminate the beauty possible, even in one of the unpleasant situations in your life.

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