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The Importance of Living by God’s Grace

As the new year approaches, remember to thank Jesus for his love and acceptance.

A heart-shaped tree at sunset; Getty Images
Credit: kevron2001

My God is changeless in his love for me. Psalm 59:10 (TLB)

Throughout the year I have invited the Lord to point out anything wrong in my heart (Psalm 139:24). That’s a good thing. Jesus accepts our confessions and loves a pure heart. Unconfessed sin blocks our fellowship with Him and makes us vulnerable.

On the other hand, my relationship with Jesus doesn’t change when I sin. Jesus is faithful to forgive (1 John 1:9). Sometimes, after offering that prayer for cleansing, I’ve parked temporarily on my weaknesses and failures instead of seeing myself as Jesus does: as His beloved, forgiven child. That has created a pause in my ability to move forward. I know the error of asking Jesus to show me what’s right in my heart or to boast of any good points. Jesus wouldn’t even call Himself good, claiming that none are good—except God (Mark 10:18).

One popular Pinterest meme I posted, which describes us in Scripture as loved, redeemed, victorious, transformed, and favored, has been reposted numerous times, suggesting that many others may need the same reminder about their worth in Christ. I understand that Jesus values us. I know that just as we are saved by grace, Jesus also wants us to live by His grace.

But like other believers’, I allow my fluctuating emotions to affect my perspective. After confessing the wrong things in my heart, what do I pray next? Surprisingly, when I ask that question, I hear Jesus’s sweet whispers reaffirming what I know: I belong to Him, He accepts me as I am, and His love for me is changeless. I can rest in the knowledge that I am His and He is mine—forever.

Faith Step: This coming year, as you confess any wrong things in your heart to Jesus, remember to thank Him for His changeless love and acceptance.

Excerpted from Mornings with Jesus 2019.

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