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Healed by the Power of Prayer

He attributes his success to praying for God’s direction and says that if it were not for prayer, he would have made a very different choice…

Prayer blogger Peola Hicks

Hear my prayer, O Lord, Give ear to my supplications! In Your faithfulness answer me, and in Your righteousness. (Psalm 143:1)

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Hampton University Ministers Conference in Virginia. I have been so blessed to participate on behalf of OurPrayer as a sponsoring partner.

This year’s conference was such a confirmation of the power of prayer and the presence of like-minded people who believe that God will lead them in the direction they should go.

I met a man named Mr. Moore, a veteran and now a security guard for the university. When we first arrived on campus to set up our booth with inspirational booklets and volunteer recruitment packets, Mr. Moore instinctively knew who we were and immediately walked over and asked for prayer, telling us that he had a testimonial about the power of prayer. After we prayed, he told us a very moving story.

One year before, he had been diagnosed with prostate cancer. He said that he prayed day and night, night and day. He had family across the country praying for him as well. The options he received for treatment were very limited. Surgery seemed like the only choice, but he prayed and asked God to show him another way.

In addition to prayer, he decided to talk to the president of Hampton University. From this conversation with Dr. Harvey, Mr. Moore became aware of a treatment option that he had never heard of before, proton therapy, which did not involve surgery and would not be detrimental to other parts of his body. Hampton University has one of the largest proton therapy centers in the U.S. Mr. Moore was able to get the treatment and is now healed. He attributes his success to praying for God’s direction and says that if it were not for prayer, he would have gone for the surgery.

I am amazed that of all the people attending the conference, Mr. Moore knew that we would listen to his story and pray for him. I told him that we would continue praying for him.

Prayer Point: Praying for guidance is a biblical principle. When you don’t know what to do, ask God to lead you to the best option for your life. There may be many options to choose from, but you want the best. Mr. Moore is grateful for modern medicine, but he credits God’s guidance through prayer that led him through to victory.

God bless you!

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