Walking the Walk

One way to spend quiet time with God? Take a prayer walk around your neighborhood.

Anna Broadway has a nice post up over at Her.meneutics today about praying for her neighborhood. She describes going on a kind of spiritual stroll dedicated to noticing—and praying for—those who live around her.

I love this idea. A prayer walk is a great way to move us closer to loving our neighbor, since the first step in helping others is to notice them and understand their needs.

God put us where we live for a reason—and that reason isn’t only about our own needs and comfort and preferences. Perhaps someone two doors down has been praying for an end to loneliness, and you are the one He’s chosen to answer that prayer. Maybe a kind word or a helping hand, a silent prayer or a friendly smile are all the light the person at the end of the road will see today. These are needs we can meet if we step out in faith and look to see where God is directing our hearts.

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