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A Message from Guideposts CEO John Temple

Guideposts CEO John Temple offers a message of hope and shares resources to help the Guideposts community get through this difficult time.

Guideposts CEO John Temple and his family
Credit: Todd Plitt 2018

Dear Guideposts Community,

As we find ourselves confronting a faceless threat that is keeping us away from our loved ones, churches, and larger communities, it is only natural to have some sense of fear. We are all experiencing this crisis in our own way. For me personally, I worry about my kids, my aging parents and in-laws, our Guideposts’ colleagues, and, of course, all of you. 

At this time, I find myself taking comfort in something Dr. Norman Vincent Peale once said: “Faith is the one power against which fear cannot stand.” 

His words remind me that the purpose of Guideposts is to empower people to believe that anything is possible with hope, faith, and prayer. That is the message I’d like to share with you today.  Despite our worries and fears, our faith is stronger.

So, while we all take the necessary precautions to help prevent the spread of the virus, we at Guideposts are busy working to take the necessary precautions to sustain your spirit. Our editors have compiled free downloads, newsletters, prayers, and stories to help you stay positive and connected. We will be adding to these resources as time goes on and hope that you will come back often to join our fellowship as we lift each other up in prayer. 

Submit your prayer requests here.

We remain ready to serve and would love to hear from you and get your suggestions about what else would be helpful. Please feel free to email us at Community@Guideposts.org.

Before I close, would you please join me in a moment of prayer:

“Dear Lord, I place this day, my life, my loved ones, my work in Your hands. There is no harm in Your hands, only good. Please watch over us in this time of crisis and help us to keep our faith, secure in the knowledge that no virus, no obstacle, no fear is greater than You. Amen.”

May God bless and keep you,


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