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Guideposts CEO on Creating a More Hopeful World

CEO John Temple explores the impact of the pandemic on Guideposts and the new directions it has inspired for the organization.

Guideposts CEO John Temple; photograph by Todd Plitt
Credit: Todd Plitt

Dear Readers,

I joined the Guideposts team exactly four years ago this May. Since then, I’ve come to know many of the positive people who support Guideposts and its mission. From my dedicated colleagues, to our donors and readers, to those who tell their stories, we all share the same faith in God’s love.

As the new CEO, I was excited at the prospect of working for an organization whose mission is to create a more hopeful world. I saw a rapidly changing landscape and the growing need for Guideposts, but I had no idea how quickly that change would come. During those four years, I experienced the pain of losing a sister, the joys of raising three girls, the concerns of caring for my aging in-laws and the challenges of helping lead an important and beloved organization.

All of these life events became magnified by a once-in-a-century pandemic that made every decision more complicated, personally and professionally. How do we protect our parents? How will the kids learn through a screen? How do we keep our colleagues safe? How do we continue to serve our customers? I know many of you have faced similar dilemmas.

The pandemic, though challenging, has given me the opportunity to think about the future and how Guideposts can help not only support our current community but connect with the next generation and bring hope and inspiration to people for another 75 years. We remain committed to sharing uplifting stories in both print and digital.

We are also focusing on becoming an agent for change in people’s lives, creating ways to harness the power of faith and prayer to give people a greater sense of purpose and connection, a deeper spirit of forgiveness and gratitude, and a more positive attitude. We hope you come to rely on us as a source of spiritual well-being.

Some of the things we will do might look different, like the upcoming June/July issue Edward told you about, but all of them will be powered by Guideposts’ personal connection and the shared understanding that we are never truly alone.

Prayers for health and safety for you and your families,

John Temple, President & CEO

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