Giving Our Troops the Power of Hope and Inspiration
Guideposts is more than magazines, books and a website. It’s an Outreach Ministry that serves people around the globe.
Guideposts is more than magazines, books and a website. It’s an Outreach Ministry that serves people around the globe.
For over 60 years, OurPrayer, a prayer service of Guideposts, has prayed for millions of people from all over the world.
Guideposts blogger Edie Melson shares 31 days of Bible verses for military families.
Guideposts blogger Edie Melson offers three ways military families can combat loneliness and isolation when their loved ones are away.
Guideposts blogger Edie Melson supplies all the dates of special holidays and observances for military men and women in 2016.
Packing up and moving to a new home is a big stress and military families do it a lot. Guideposts guest blogger and military spouse Beatrice Fishback offers tips to cope and make the best of things.
While watching old “Frosty the Snowman” reruns this holiday, Guideposts blogger and military mom Edie Melson realized there were hidden lessons for military families.
During military deployment, the family left behind can encounter unexpected stress. Here’s how to cope, from Guideposts blogger and military mom Edie Melson.
Guideposts blogger and military mom Edie Melson realizes that like a solider in an army, she wants to be recognized on sight as one of God’s.
Guideposts blogger and military mom Edie Melson learned something about her faith in God when she watched her Marine son respond to his commander’s voice.
Guideposts blogger and military mom Edie Melson realizes that when she was honest about her anxiety when her son was deployed, when she showed her vulnerability, that’s when she felt most connected to those around her and to God.
Guideposts blogger and military mom Edie Melson reminds us that we can help our troops by helping their military families back home.