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How We Help

We are all the apple of God's eye.

Apple of My Father’s Eye

One day, when I was struggling with fear over the safety of my son deployed in Iraq, I read the verse in Zechariah where God refers to His people as the apple of His eye. It reminded me that even though my son was special to me, he was infinitely more precious to God.  

Parents with their soldier son.

My Soldier Is Safe with God

I’ve always loved Psalm 139 and the way it details the care God lavished on us when He created us. These verses exemplify that trait in God the Father. But until my son went to war, I’d never considered it in relation to someone close to me.

Guideposts: How to help military families affected by PTSD

PTSD–An Unspoken Fear for Military Families

Although PTSD (post-traumatic stress syndrome) is growing in awareness, it’s dreaded by all military families. If you want to know more about this affliction and how to help, here is more information. No vet should suffer in silence.

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