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Does Nostalgia Make You Happy?

There is new data that nostalgia is good for you. What makes you nostalgic? Is it a song or a type of music, a period of time, a place, a style of clothing or furniture?

Due to circumstances beyond my control (beautiful summer day, eager, impatient dog) there will be no blog today. But I wanted to mention a note I got from my old friend Dr. Ed Hoffman, a positive psychologist.

He mentions that there is new data that nostalgia is good for you…good for your mood, your attitude, your outlook on life. He wants to share that information with Guideposts readers in a future issue. Meanwhile, tell me what makes you nostalgic. Is it a song or a type of music, a period of time, a place, a style of clothing or furniture?

Words sometimes make me feel nostalgic. The other day in a straightforward news report I came across the old-fashioned word unbeknownst. It seemed very quaint and I wanted to thank the writer for using it.

So tell me, what sort of nostalgia makes you happy?

I’ll write more about it later. Post below, please.

All right, all right, Millie. We can go to the park now.

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