A Father’s Day Celebration of Faith
How fathers lead by love and faith.
A cowboy soldier experiences a foxhole encounter with a legendary journalist in the days following D-Day.
Months after losing her sister to cancer, she won tickets to see their favorite band perform.
Enjoy this collection of inspiring stories by Douglas Scott Clark.
The miracle of Pentecost and what it means to us.
Chaplain Kenneth L. Sampson discusses Staying the Course, a Guideposts Outreach booklet intended to inspire individuals to stay focused and maintain strength through life’s hardships.
Jesus asked pointed questions of His followers in the Gospel of Mark.
In our exclusive video, the popular television personality talks about his new book, dealing with ADHD and the positive impact his home makeover TV shows have had on individual families and communities.
Her hymns came from her father’s musical legacy and gave comfort to nursing home residents.
These crafts made out of colorful yarn let soldiers know that they were praying for them.
She learned that if you say positive things about yourself it will help make the world a brighter place.