My 11-year-old granddaughter, Saige, has a big heart when it comes to animals. Her family has two dogs, and she often tries to talk her mother into getting more pets. Since that hasn’t worked yet, Saige comes over to my house to play with my cat, dog and rabbits—she loves to paint the dog’s toenails bright pink.
Last year, she asked to become a volunteer at an animal shelter. She was willing to clean the cages and do other tasks because she wanted to pet the animals while they waited for homes. But volunteers have to be at least 15, she was told.
Saige found another way to help. When she celebrated her tenth birthday, a few days after getting turned down, she used all her birthday money to buy treats and toys for the animals. Then she took on extra chores to earn more allowance and buy more goodies for the shelter. Saige has four more years until she can volunteer. I think the animals might be pretty spoiled by then.
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