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Someone Cares: Paperless for Good

Her thoughtful response helps our planet by minimizing paper waste in the long run.

An illustration of an envelope speeding through the air; Illustration by Coco Masuda
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Sorting through the day’s mail, I saw a familiar return address.

It was a letter from a charitable organization, updating me on its work in the community. I skimmed the letter and realized that I’d received this same information in an e-mail the day before. This isn’t the best use of money and resources, I thought.

I wrote to the organization, asking to be removed from its print mailing list. I explained that I was already receiving emails and that the organization could save postage and printing costs as well as volunteer labor by not sending me duplicate information. I closed by writing how much I appreciate all the organization’s good work, then sent off the letter using the return envelope.

I hope removing myself from duplicate mailing lists helps charities put a little more of their resources toward doing good work. It also helps our planet by minimizing paper waste.

Learn more about Someone Cares greeting cards!

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