The Perfect Wedding Song
The perfect song for a faith-filled wedding
After losing their third child, this couple receives a blessing of hope after recieving two rainbow babies. Their heartwarming photo shoot shows the how their tragic journey turned into one of pure joy.
A young boy learns the power of not giving up on big dreams.
In this story from September 2005, actress Ann-Margret shares how an accident she suffered onstage served to strengthen her faith and taught her to trust that God was watching over her.
When a small-town nurse volunteers to help treat impoverished people in developing nations, she comes to understand that God heals suffering in a variety of ways.
With a solid foundation of faith and family, the acclaimed actress and singer Kristin Chenoweth lives her life by a motto she learned from her mother: “You never know, honey.”
She enjoyed being a wife and mother, but still felt discontented, disconnected from who she once was. Until she finally returned to her first love: music.
The mother of a young girl facing surgery prays for her daughter’s fears to be comforted. The answer she receives is one she could never have expected.
In 2007, the now-Retired U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Marshall Powell served as a medic in Iraq. After his deployment, he returned home with an injury that wasn’t visible to the eye. He had suffered what is now termed “moral injury”: the internal suffering that results from an action that goes against one’s moral code. As he
We asked our Facebook followers to submit some signs that remind them that spring has sprung, so that we might share them here with you.
How Passover offers freedom for doing good.
Weighing in at nearly 400 at age 13, Purdue University’s Caleb Swanigan got off to a rough start, but his older brother made a call that changed his life.