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8 Ways to Find True Riches

Finding better work/life balance

Making family memories

While scrolling through Facebook this week, I’ve noticed the same sentiments numerous times as people post photos from the past: “I can’t believe this was ______ years ago!” or “How can my baby be 10 already?”

I’ve made those same statements myself. Life races past, and memories are some of our biggest blessings. They remind us of days gone by, precious people in our lives (some no longer with us), milestone moments, irreplaceable times with those we love.

But what really struck me as I read another Facebook post was that we are often so busy that we’re missing priceless moments. They’re zooming by while we work, work, work.

Someday, there are going to be lots of people who end their lives with money in the bank—but a deficit of real wealth.

Balance in our lives is important, but it doesn’t happen without some intentional effort. So what can you do? 

1)  Take a good look at how you spend your time and see how you can make changes. Yes, it’s important to pay the bills, but it’s also vital to spend time with your loved ones. 

2)  Make a list of what’s necessary time-wise and what’s expendable.

3)  Make a bucket list of what you’d like to do with your children before they’re grown and leave home. Make a list of moments you’d like to enjoy with your spouse, parents or other loved ones.

4)  Make appointments to do those things. Yes, put them on your calendar and treat those items with just as much respect as you do your doctor or dentist. 

5)  Pray and ask God for help. Ask Him to show you the blessings in your life in a fresh new way.

6)  Each season reassess your efforts to make sure you’re staying on target.

7)  Find an accountability partner who will remind you when your life is getting out of balance.

8)  Enjoy life. Make some memories. Take lots of photos—and make sure you are in those photos with your loved ones.

Someday, you’ll be able to look back at a life filled with sweet memories instead of regrets. You’ll be truly wealthy because you’ve taken time to enjoy God’s priceless gifts.

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