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Mimi Loves Me

A little boy who knows he's precious beyond words to someone.

Cameron writes out his Christmas cards.

I have some of the best friends in the world and my buddy Lynn Starnes ranks right at the top of the pack. I love her like a sister.

She’s one of those sweet Southern ladies who’s nurturing and loving, who spreads smiles and sunshine to everyone she meets.  

A little boy knows his grandmother loves him.And to her grandchildren, she’s the best Mimi in the world–especially to her young grandson.

That was evidenced in a Facebook message her daughter-in-law posted today. It read, “Cameron is making all of his Christmas cards and they all say this.” The handmade card in the photo said, “Mimi loves me.”

I thought that was so precious. Not just one card to his Mimi, but written on all of his Christmas cards. That’s a boy who knows he’s loved, who knows that he’s precious beyond words to someone, and he wants to share that news with his family and friends.

I love that the message is on a Christmas card–because that’s what the message of Christmas is all about: Love. Amazing love from a God who was willing to give His life for us.

Which made me think about what each of us could write if we were making handmade Christmas cards: Jesus loves me. Such simple words that a child can wrap his mind around, yet such profound words that an adult’s mind will never fathom them.

Jesus loves me. And because of that I can make it through difficult days, through times when I’m so overwhelmed that I feel like I can’t take my next breath.

Jesus loves me. And because of that there is comfort and peace–even when there aren’t enough dollars to pay the bills. Even when the phone call from the doctor has news we never wanted to hear.

Jesus loves me. And because of that there is salvation and forgiveness, even when I don’t deserve it.

Jesus loves me. And because of that, I can know that I am loved, that I am precious beyond words to Someone.

Cameron, thanks for the reminder. You might not realize it now, buddy, but you are one blessed little boy. Mimi loves you. And even better, Jesus loves you. It’s impossible to be more secure and loved than that.   

I have loved you with an everlasting love…  (Jeremiah 31: 3)

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