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5 Ways Worried Military Families Can Find Peace

How a military mom found inner peace when her son was deployed.

How worried military families can find inner peace.
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Finding peace when someone you love is in harm’s way is difficult–difficult but not impossible when we add God into the equation. I learned this firsthand when we sent our son off to war twice during his military career. Here are some of the attitude-changing tips that made all the difference for us:

1.  P – Perspective
For me, finding God’s perspective in difficult situations is the foundation for peace. When circumstances overwhelm me, my focus narrows and becomes almost defensive. All I see are obstacles. But if I take a step back and try to see the bigger picture, I’m getting God’s point of view.

2.  E – Encouragement
This is a two-sided approach for inner peace. I need encouragement for myself, but I also need to freely give it to others. To receive encouragement, I first turn to the Bible. Then I let those around me know that I’m struggling. Finally, I look at those God has put in my path and offer them the encouragement they need.

3.  A – Assurance
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if life came with guarantees? When situations are out of my control, I look for the concrete things I know are true. Those are found in God’s word. This is when I dig in and hang on to the only immoveable thing in my life, God.

4.  C – Conversation
I tend to isolate myself in times of great stress. I pull away from family, friends and even God. I’ve learned I have to fight that habit and open myself up to conversation, especially conversation with God. 

5.  E – Evidence
When life spirals out of control, so do my emotions. I can get hopeless quicker than almost anyone I know. I’ve learned to slow those feelings down by examining the evidence of God has worked in my life, and in the lives of others. When I quit relying on my feelings and focus on the truth of what God has done in the past, then things settle into a season of peace. 

Peace can be a fluid thing, based on what we can or cannot control. But by looking to God, we find a foundation of granite, immoveable and unshifting no matter what circumstances surround us and those we love.

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