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How Kindness Can Save a Life

Why an act of kindness is a big deal.

Writing a note is an act of kindness
Credit: Getty Images

Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you. (Ephesians 4:32) 

There’s a lot to be said for kindness, an often an underrated quality in today’s competitive world. But kindness saved my life. Or to be completely accurate, it was a simple act of kindness that saved my emotional life.

It had been a rough week. Our military son was deployed in the Middle East, and for four nights I’d been awakened by nightmares about what he was facing on the front. I had visions of him being mortally wounded or captured and always crying out for me to help him. 

Those tortuous images stayed with me during the day. I didn’t know how to get rid of my fears, and I spiraled down into a pit of despair.

Read More: Why Kindness Always Wins

On that fifth morning I walked outside to check if the mail had come. Inside our mailbox was a small square envelope, addressed in spidery script to me. I squinted at the return address and finally placed the name. It was an older woman in our church. I didn’t know her well, but we’d often exchanged pleasantries in the hallway.

I tore open the card and immediately my torment was erased:

I wanted you to know that God has had your son on my mind the past few days. He’s awakened me at night, prompting me to pray for his safety. I felt like I should let you know that God hears the cry of your heart and has others praying with you for his safe return.

I clutched the card to my heart, tears streaming down my cheeks as I sent up a prayer of my own, thanking God for hearing my cry.

That precious woman’s prayer for my son was a big thing, but sending a card to let me know was an act kindness in its purest form.

I could share story after story detailing the small acts of kindness I experienced during our son’s time in the military. But the point I want to make is that kindness isn’t a small thing. It’s a big deal to those who receive it. We should never forget that no matter how little a thing it is to us, it may save the lives of those we touch. 

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