Adopt-A-Cat: Sharon
Sharon Azar-Hahn of Guideposts shares the story of her cat, Sunshine.
Sharon Azar-Hahn of Guideposts shares the story of her cat, Sunshine.
Watch to learn how our online managing editor met her kitties.
A New Orleans chef is inspired to blend his love of family with the joy of cooking.
Competing recipes inspire two newlyweds to take a positive approach in sharing baking duties.
A grandmother learns that being a guest brings blessings of its own.
A Washington family is blessed with an unusual Christmas guest.
A horse lover sees her faith rewarded when her beloved filly is rescued.
Long prone to panic attacks, an Ohio woman used prayer, positive thinking and a rambunctious new puppy to calm her fears.
A mother of four has her faith restored by store-bought pies and the prayer of a child.
Sister Michael Marie spreads hope by rescuing pets and other animals in areas stricken by natural disasters.
We kids could do no wrong in my father’s eyes, and in that we found the freedom to fly far and un-tethered from the nest while knowing that a belly flop would look like a back flip to him.
By now most of us along the East Coast are battening down the hatches in anticipation of Hurricane Irene’s arrival. But as we’ve learned in recent disasters, sometimes our pets and animals get left out of the preparations.