Inspirational Pet Stories


Adopt-A-Cat: Rick

Meet Fred, and learn of his journey from the subway to the home of executive editor Rick Hamlin.

Protect Your Pets

By now most of us along the East Coast are battening down the hatches in anticipation of Hurricane Irene’s arrival. But as we’ve learned in recent disasters, sometimes our pets and animals get left out of the preparations.

Richochet, the dog, with Patrick and Judy Fridono

Surf Doggie

Ricochet washed out as a service dog. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t find a way to serve.

Anne Marie Rodgers and a red-tailed hawk

Saving Animals

One of the authors of the Guideposts fiction series Miracles of Marble Cove talks about how, with the help of faith, she followed her calling: caring for animals in need.

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