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Don’t Miss Out on the Blessing

If God calls you to do something, He will equip you with everything that you need for that journey. He will be with you every step of the way. And you will be blown away by the doors He will open.

Moses and the burning bush. Thinkstock
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Are you missing out on a blessing because God’s called you to do something, and you’re hesitant to do it? Are fear or circumstances holding you back?

Why is it that when God asks us to do something for Him that we always start our part of the conversation with the reasons why we can’t do those things?

I was thinking about that this morning during my devotions as I read in Exodus (chapters 3 and 4) about Moses. Let me set the stage for the story…

Moses had just stood on holy ground, listening to God speak from the midst of the burning bush. (I mean, not exactly your ordinary situation.) He heard God tell how He’d seen the distress and oppression of His people, and He’d come to rescue them from the Egyptians.

All was well–and then came the kicker when God told Moses “I’m sending you to Pharaoh. You must lead the people of Israel out of Egypt.”

Yep, Moses–still talking to God in the midst of the burning bush–starts spouting off all the reasons why he couldn’t do that. Even though God promised to be with him. Even though God told him exactly what to say.    

I have to give props to ole Moses. He was good at the excuses, and threw out numerous “what if” scenarios. God gave him answers for all of them and even provided him with some nifty things to do if Pharaoh scoffed at him–like throwing his staff down on the ground and having it become a snake.

Even after all of that, Moses kept on with the reasons why he couldn’t do what God wanted him to do. “I’m not eloquent. I get tongue-tied.”

And then Moses said words to the effect of, “Send somebody else.” And that’s what happened. God turned the task of speaking over to Aaron, the brother of Moses. 

I can’t help but wonder what blessing Moses missed by not doing it himself. Whew, that’s something for all of us to think about.    

When God nudged my heart to write for Him, one of my first comments was, “God, I’m not one of those perfect people. I don’t have it all together. I come from a messed-up background. Wouldn’t one of those people who do have it all together be a better choice than me?”

And God answered, “It’s because of your flaws that I can use you. The things I’ve brought you through are what will give hope to others, because many of them are in similar circumstances.”

I remember taking a field trip to the bookstore at the beginning of my writing journey. As I looked through the books that day, I glanced at the author photo on the back of a book, comparing my oh-not-so-beautiful-self to the elegant woman in the picture.

I muttered to God that He could have made me beautiful like that. And He replied, “I didn’t make you beautiful because it would have gone to your head. I want your life, your writing and your speaking to be about Me–not about you.

As I looked at another book that day, I was awed by the illustrations that the author included in the book. I can’t draw a straight line–or even a good crooked one. Yeah, more muttering to God that He could have given me artistic talent like that.

Somehow I imagine God was shaking His head at that point as He said, “I didn’t give you the ability to draw because other people can do that for you. But you can write about your life experiences and share with other hurting folks about what I’ve done for you.”

To my comment I made to Him that day that I wasn’t smart enough, that I didn’t have a degree in journalism or know anything about the publishing industry, God replied, “That’s awesome. Now you’ll have to lean on Me.”

Has this been an easy journey for me? No! There have been many days of frustration, long periods of waiting and times when I’ve wished I’d chosen an easier career like chainsaw juggling. 


But oh my, what a blessing I would have missed if I hadn’t surrendered to write and speak for Him!   

Sweet friends, I don’t know what God is asking you to do–but I can tell you this–if you don’t do it, you will miss out on the blessing that He had in store for you.

I can tell you from experience that if God calls you to do something, He will equip you with everything that you need for that journey. He will be with you every step of the way. And you will be blown away by the doors He will open, the things He will teach you, and the times you’ll feel His presence in a special way.

So here’s your challenge today: Are you going to move out in faith and trust Him to supply all that you’ll need–or are you going to miss the blessing that He has in store for you?

And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19)

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