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Turn to Jesus When You’re Stressed

Whether stress is invading your day or your life, remember that Jesus is victorious. He overcame the world. His victory can shape, mold and change your every moment.

When you're stressed, remember Jesus is in control.
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33, ESV)

Stress had come close.  

The boys and I flew down the highway. We were late for 8 a.m. swim club practice, and there was a fair amount of discontent in the backseat. He did this. He said that. He’s sitting too far over on my side of the seat.

“Stop!” I spoke over my shoulder. “You love one another. Please stop arguing now!”

The bickering continued.

I glanced at the green digital numbers on the dashboard. At this rate we’d be on the wrong side of the tracks for the morning train. The coal train that crawled and crept down the rails while my heartrate took a faster pace. My fingers curled over the steering wheel, and my toes curled in my shoes.

This is real life. Real stress, real trials happen in the every day.

There’s the weight of the small things. Like being late. Or the threat of a slow moving train. Then there are the heavy things. Like worry for our children. Health. Finances. Work. The state of our country and the condition of our world. From the annoyance to feet-in-fire, there’s a good many things to press on the spirit and weigh on a soul.

But Jesus said to take heart. He has overcome the world.

As I drove down the road and eventually stopped to wait for the train, I thought about what His overcoming means to me. I wondered how His victory can shape, mold and change every moment of my life.

Lord, I can relinquish my worry. You are in control. (Matthew 6:25-34)

Lord, I can invite you into the dark places of my fear. You are the light. (John 1:12)

Lord, I can claim Your peace. After all, You do not give as the world gives. (John 14:27)

Jesus is victorious. He rose from the grave, and I can rise from the worldly things that weigh me down.

So I sat in the car. I took a deep breath. I let my fingers uncurl and let His overcoming become mine.

Taking heart is to claim encouragement.

And He’s offered all I need.


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