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National Caregivers Day—How to Show Your Appreciation

Here are ways we can honor those who care for our loved ones.

Edward Grinnan and Gracie
Credit: Katye Martens Brier

I’m in the doghouse, as it were. 

I overlooked an important date, as important as my wedding anniversary or Julee’s birthday. February 5 was National Golden Retriever Day. I completely missed it, and I don’t know how I’ll make it up to her. (Hint: it will involve treats and maybe a pot roast.) Why Facebook or Instagram didn’t alert me to this important celebration is baffling. They remind of all sorts of irrelevant stuff. I’ve got some work to do to make it up to Gracie. 

There is a date I promise not to forget: February 18, National Caregivers Day. The day honors all caregivers, but I’d like to especially remember the professionals, like the ones who took care of my mother in her final days at a memory care unit. They had become like her second family when we could no longer offer the level of care she required. They were an enormous comfort to us.

Professional caregivers are often overworked, underpaid and underappreciated. They are the very definition of front-line workers. During the pandemic they looked after our loved ones when we couldn’t. 

Here are some suggestions for honoring caregivers:

*An appreciative word goes a long, long way, especially “thank you.”

*Write it down. A note or card goes an even longer way.

*A gift certificate for a spa day is a wonderful gesture provided your caregiver is allowed to accept gifts. Otherwise donate to her favorite charity or cause. 

*Post praise for caregivers on social media. Use the hashtag #NationalCaregiversDay.

*For non-professional caregivers, respite care is just about the best thing you can give. 

*Pray. Let God know how grateful you are for these earthly saints. 

And speaking of Golden Retrievers, pets are great caregivers too. Gracie always knows when Julee or I need a little TLC. Gracie is our favorite caregiver, who’s yours? Let me know.

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