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Create a Peaceful Home Office

Declutter, add some plants, choose ample lighting and other ways to be productive while working at home.

A woman working from her home office.
Credit: Getty Images

Ideally, our homes are a place of peace and solace—a respite from the sometimes rough world of work. However, this is 2020, and most of us are embracing the new normal, which often means working from home and juggling phone calls, Zoom meetings, and, for some, remote learners in the background (aka, the living room). While staying safe at home during this time is a blessing, it does present its own unique set of challenges while trying to stay focused and productive. Creating a peaceful home office can make you feel (relatively) sane and help you focus on both work and the rest of your life.

  1. Location, location, location. Find a space that is conducive to your work environment. For some people, this might mean working in a closed space, with a door, for daily Zoom calls; others find it easy to work in an open-air space like their living room. Consider moving your desk to an area that would be the best for your work/home situation.
  2. Declutter. Some of us are prone to having wayward papers and files that take over our desks. Clutter can be overwhelming, distracting, and just plain annoying. Go through everything on— and in—your desk and create piles for recycling and reorganizing. For the papers that you can’t throw out, file them away in a cabinet or draw for future use.
  3. Minimize. Now that you’ve decluttered, make sure to only keep a minimal number of objects on your desk, like your computer, phone or a notepad. You can also include a light or a small plant to bring life and color to your work area.
  4. Refresh with color. Color has the power to heal and inspire. Consider reviving the walls in your space with bright tones such as yellow, pink, orange, or lilac. There are also many vibrant wallpaper patterns that you can use to brighten and refresh your home office. You can also pray for inspiration to better connect with colors that are meaningful to you.
  5. Add some greenery. Nature has the power to revive and add warmth to your space. Consider getting low-maintenance plants, such as succulents, a Peace Lily, or ZZ Plants that will allow you to appreciate and soak in their beauty during busy moments.
  6. Add a board with to-do’s. Checking off a list of daily to-do’s is a great way to stay on top of all of your tasks. Hang a bulletin board or dry erase board near your desk—and refer to it multiple times each day.
  7. Inspire yourself. Make sure that your space reflects your personality. A powerful quote, a picture, a prayer, or piece of art is a great way to add some heart to your office and to put a smile on your face during a particularly hard day.
  8. Light it up. Lighting is an essential, although often overlooked, part of creating a serene space. In addition, ample lighting will help you avoid eye strain and headaches. With so much time being spent on your computer and video meetings, it’s important to find lighting solutions that minimize glare, as well as portray you in a good light to your co-workers. Try to include both overhead and task lighting.

We hope these tips will bring you peace and serenity, as well as inspire you to be productive in your new home office.

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