5 Tips for Healthy Eating

Check out these strategies to feed body and soul 

A mother and her young daughter work together to prepare a healthy meal
Credit: © Marilyn Nieves, All rights reserved.

Good food nourishes us not only physically but also emotionally and spiritually. Home cook Diane Hill Roark and Kyle Adams, executive chef at Good Samaritan Society’s national campus in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, have both observed that while cooking for others. “Eating healthy, nutritious food keeps your body, mind and soul working together,” Adams says. Here are some tips on how you too can feed the soul:

Plan ahead. “Feeding the soul is not just about cooking,” Adams says. “It’s about being committed to the entire process, from meal planning and shopping to prep, cooking and storage.” Start by choosing recipes that fit your needs and your schedule for the week. Make a list of the ingredients (this helps prevent impulse buying and overbuying), and set aside time to shop for them.

Use the freshest, healthiest ingre- dients you can. That might mean going to more than one market. Seek out the places in your area that offer great produce, fresh fish and hormone- and antibiotic-free meat. Shop at farmers’ markets. Buy what’s in season, and incorporate those items into your menu planning. Adams has taken things a step further, starting an aeroponic garden to provide fresh salad greens yearround at the Sioux Falls campus.

Prepare your own food. “If it comes in a box or a can, try to stay away from it,” Adams says. “If you make it yourself, you know exactly what’s in it.” Be realistic—save the made-from- scratch lasagna recipe for a day when you have more time. For dinner on busy workdays, “put together greens and vegetables in a salad, make a quick vinaigrette and sear a piece of salmon or chicken breast to go with them,” Adams suggests. Want to learn more cooking techniques? Look on YouTube, or find classes and demonstrations at stores or the Y.

Eat mindfully. Before you dive in, bless the meal. Think about everyone who helped bring the food to your table. Put down the phone, turn off the TV and focus on what you’re eating and drinking. Don’t wolf down everything. Take time to savor the flavors, textures and aromas.

Connect over food. “Food calls up so many emotions and memories,” Adams says. “Sharing a meal can be a wonderful bonding experience. It’s also an opportunity to develop healthy habits with your entire family—taking care of the older generation and establishing good patterns for your kids and grandkids.”

Visit good-sam.com/guideposts to learn about more ways to feed the soul.

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