The World Series, My Uncle and the Battle of the Bulge
How a relative struggled to survive the aftermath of war
How a relative struggled to survive the aftermath of war
Derek Jeter offers a lesson in working hard at what you love and enjoying the ride!
A woman battling complex regional pain syndrome awakens from a nap to find an inspiring poem of comfort on her laptop. But who wrote it?
James Hampton's sacred art is in the Smithsonian; now you can see some of the 150 pages of code found in The Book of the 7 Dispensations by St. James.
An artist's majestic work that now resides in the Smithsonian might never have been known to the world but for one man.
Which of Christ’s calls to action are hardest for you?
Oprah Winfrey’s national tour is all about connecting to God and finding your purpose
A tomato teaches a sister about God's perfect timing!
Watch as a first-grade teacher, retiring after 41 years, is honored by her former students.
The unique (and expensive) glasses that changed these twins’ lives, and the ladies whose generosity made it happen.
Her grandmother, even at 105, had been able to adjust to the changes wrought by time; could she do as well?
This movie producer achieved success not on his own terms, but on God’s.