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What Would You Miss If It Suddenly Went Away?

Appreciate your blessings today.

Woman feeling grateful
Credit: Getty Images

The family upstairs is back from vacation. Frankly, I hadn’t noticed they were away until the thud-thud-thud of three-year old feet racing across our ceiling made me realize it had been quiet for a week. 

It was a reminder that there are many, many things for which I could be thankful but am not, because I only notice the blessing when it is missing. I value good health mainly after it disappears. I think nothing of non-extreme weather conditions until temperatures skyrocket or plummet. I’m rarely thankful that I can remember dates and names unless my memory fails at an embarrassing moment. The list goes on and on. I can only assume that most of gratitude lies on the other side of what I assume is normal, and it’s not until things are not-normal that I realize that “normal” is a gift.

So this week I’m asking God to open my eyes to all the blessings in my life I don’t normally see. What would I miss if it went away? It would be good to give thanks for it today.

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