5 Ways to Grow Your Faith
How we structure our lives can make choosing to pray easier.
How we structure our lives can make choosing to pray easier.
Mychal Judge was a chaplain for the New York City Fire Department. He had printed the words of this prayer on a card to hand out to anyone who needed them.
I’ve found that using the word and has a positive effect—not only on my children, but on my prayer life as well.
All prayer requests sent to Guideposts gets prayed for. Find out how it’s done and also how to become a volunteer.
Worried about the future? Regain your confidence in tomorrow using these tips and Bible passages.
When life seems overwhelming turn to these Bible verses.
Spiritual techniques and Bible verses to turn to when facing life’s challenges.
Create healthy, long lasting relationships using these ideas from the Bible.
Bible verses and tips to help you count your blessings and praise God.
Discover how you can actively listen and hear God’s guiding voice.
Practical ways to make the Bible a part of your daily life.
One thought piled upon another: needs, desires, petitions, frustrations. Listening to myself, I thought, Wait a minute—where is God in all this?