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Too Overwhelmed to Pray?

Here are four physical activities to help you spend time with God when you seem to be fumbling your prayers.

Too Overwhelmed to Pray?
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God is not uncomfortable when you fumble your prayers.  He does not grow impatient as He waits on you to say what you want to say. 

To the contrary, God looks upon your heart and feels your prayers in the same way you do. While you struggle to put them into words, God comprehends and responds.

When you feel overwhelmed, try one of these four physical activities:

1. Sing.
Find a recording of your favorite hymns or worship songs and sing along with them. Singing can focus you on the One to whom you can’t pray.

2. Borrow words.
Praying written prayers can break the dam holding back your thoughts and emotions.

3. Pray the Scriptures.
Even reading the Bible aloud can bring comfort and peace.

4. Enjoy the silence.
Sitting quietly will let your hear God’s voice more easily.

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