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  • Peace with the Psalms

    Devotions from Abide Christian Meditation

    Transform life’s worries into comfort and peace with the best of the Psalms. This inspirational book contains 40 Biblical meditations, each with a scripture, prayer, and guided reflection.

    Order today and get a FREE GIFTFaith Builders

    Read a FREE EXCERPT Now!

  • Pray a Word a Day

    Pray a Word a Day refreshes your devotion time by centering your prayers around a specific word each day.

    You’ll also get 12 beautiful Pocket Prayer Cards – FREE!

    Read a Free Excerpt!

  • 25% off

    This deeply pleasing collection of devotions reminds us God is the master gardener of our souls and His wisdom can be found all around us.

    Receive a FREE GIFT with your purchase – 4 stunning floral postcards with inspirational quotes.

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    $12.99 - $19.95
  • 31% off Strength & Grace Magazine-0

    Daily devotions for caregivers.  Find inspiration and comfort with an uplifting reflection from other caregivers, Scripture and a special prayer.

    Special Offer – save almost 26%!

    Strength & Grace Magazine

    $20.94 - $41.88
  • 25% off

    Each story in Holding God’s Hand is filled with powerful two-minute meditations, plus spiritual quotes, Bible verses, blessings, and prayers that will direct your thoughts toward a place of rest. Make reading it part of your daily walk with God and keep it on hand to minister to others in need. Holding God’s Hand is a spiritual resource you don’t want to be without!

    $7.99 - $7.99

Our devotionals help guide you on the path to hearing God’s voice and understanding His word. At ShopGuideposts, we have several devotionals that are perfect for busy moms, family members, or anyone navigating rough seas and seeking a calming presence, and someone who sees beauty in all of God’s natural wonders.

Our devotionals include meaningful scriptures meant to bring you closer to God’s word. Prayers help you reach out to God for guidance. Faith steps assist you on your journey to growing closer to God and Jesus as you start walking the path He has set out before you.

Along the way, you’ll read true stories from some of the best contemporary Christian writers. Their stories will help inspire you that, like those who walked the journey before, you too can strengthen your faith and live the full life that God wants you to.

You’ll receive practical tips and exercises to help you stay positive, succeed, understand your feelings, and discern God’s will for you. These daily devotionals are incredibly uplifting, as they allow you to discover peace for your soul but also joy for your journey.

Many devotionals offer daily scriptures and prayers to focus on for a year, even if you just have a minute or two a day to study the Bible and pray the word. Others follow a 30-day or 60-day program to help you achieve your spiritual goals.

Do you need extra strength and grace because of the challenges God has set before you? Our devotionals can help you understand that everything happens in God’s will, and that He never gives you something you can’t handle.

We hope our collection of devotionals inspires you on your walk with God while nourishing your soul and helping you find a place of peace and rest amid life’s challenges.

ShopGuideposts publishes devotionals in hardcover, softcover, large print, or electronic formats.

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